Introduction – We all are very much aware of the present Pandemic that is going right now all over the world. The Corona VirusOutbreak has been declared as a pandemic by WHO and situation has been only getting alarming since then. It has affected the whole normal lifestyle of people worldwide. Many countries are in total lockdown, including our own Nation. Educational institutions, offices, companies, transportation etc all have been on hold. Stay home to stay safe has been the most important agenda right now. It has affected the whole economy of our country as well as the Global Economy. With transportation almost on hold, companies are unable to send products everywhere. Also there have been difficulties in advertising and promoting brands.

So in this blog we will try to discuss some smart digital marketing tips that can certainly help you in these hard times with your business or brand.

Stay Positive:

The key to success in any business is to stay positive always and don’t start panicking or think about giving up at the first hard time you face. This is the first to note while you read about other tips in digital marketing. Utilize the time to reach to your customers, connect to your Target Audience and hold on patiently because things will become brighter. Make sure to prepare yourself for the greater surge when everything comes back to normal.

Connect with Social Media:

As at this moment only necessity services are open and all the people are staying at home for safety reasons & fighting against Covid-19 outbreak, it’s the best time to hone your skills in social interactions.

We’re all experiencing the impact the COVID 19 outbreak is having in our lives whether we’ve tested positive or not. We’re all taking precautionary & safety measures. Locked in our homes, no going out with friends & family together, no eating at our favorite restaurants, our kids isn’t going to school, this is a time where you can show empathy to others and help out where you can. This is a time we all need to be responsive — and not too aggressive — but it’s a great opportunity for your brand to stand out during a difficult time through various Social Media Platforms. Maximum people are on social media now as they are stuck at home, searching for updates and making a continuous effort to stay connected in a suddenly isolated land.


So this becomes a unique and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for your brand to engage more with your audience digitally. Certain solutions to queries of your customers may keep your brand much ahead of your competitors. Some of the queries in Customer’s mind may be:


  • What are the solutions you may provide to help your customers during this time?
  • What do you do to make things enhanced in this critical time?
  • Are you introducing any new product or service for your customers during this time?
  • Is your Brand introducing any special offer for your customers that is competitive & from which they might benefit at this crisis period.


Make a Strong Online Presence:

In this critical & uncertain period we find maximum people online, more in their home than in their offices or restaurants or in a shopping mall. We’re all attached to our computers and smart phones looking for every new updates within our society or something related to our business or work. We also search in our digital gadgets updates & news for entertainment like music, movies or sports. For many, they search for online shopping & online delivery of foods also.                                                           

Do make sure you’ve an appropriate website of your brand or business that addresses and connects with your audience locally, nationally, worldwide or in particular locations where you want a strong presence of your products and services. If you are not having a website presently, you may always speak to the web development team of Arya Media who shall help you design the perfect web page for your business and that too in your budget. The website shall help you to directly interact, communicate and discuss with your customers. This shall give you feedback of the current demands of the customers & the need of the Market. A website gives you a huge advantage & opportunity to easily get connected to your customers & communicate with them with your latest updates of your business. This helps in your business growth and also makes your customers remember you in tough & unfavorable times.


Try local SEO during lockdown:

Promoting your business via organic SEO is no doubt a great marketing idea, but this usually takes a long time. For example, if you campaign your business through SEO to gain good ranking in organic search, it will take an average time of 3-6 months. In this lockdown, you can rather try the local SEO for a change.

Some points maybe noted here:

  • Improve NAP (Name, address, Phone Number)
  • Claim your Business Listing.
  • Create & keep updated Location Page.
  • Update Google My Business
  • Get reviews often
  • Create local content as per Local Market’s interest or trend.


The less the competition, your brand will quickly come in the top search results in fewer days. Also local SEO helps to reach your business and brand more to the local people and market. You can’t travel during this pandemic, but you can surely grow your business from home in your local market quite easily.

Try PPC advertising:

Lock yourself in your home but don’t lockdown your brand in this crucial period. Make your Brand come out in all relevant searches in Google. With human beings locked down in their home & in front of their digital tools, it’s a great opportunity for businesses to use PPC marketing. It connects with their customers instantly and gives a competitive advantage very easily. Pay per click or PPC advertising is a great way to connect your audience as they make your brand visible more often to potential customers. It also gives you a huge advantage of staying ahead of your competitors in this adverse situation or any hard times.


Conclusion – We at Arya Media have been working on Various Digital Projects since long time for various types of Industry. We have seen the growth of Digital Marketing & how businesses are getting benefitted from different kind of online promotions. But recently, during the Pandemic, as situations got worse & human beings all inside their houses locked, we find a huge engagement increase among online users. This is because everybody though isolated physically cannot confine themselves digitally from regular updates of things they like. People are looking for their work related updates; they search for updates & information of the society they live. They also look for entertainment updates. The platform remains the same. We are getting dependant on Digital Media slowly.

So, we suggest every Start ups, Businesses & Small Firms to immediately start promoting on Digital Platforms their products or services to gain the maximum benefits & calculate the ROI accordingly. You may also have a discussion with Arya Media where we shall understand your present situation & give you the best Digital Solutions accordingly.

And always remember; never lose hope if situations don’t look bright right now, because like every bad time, this will also pass. Stay Happy. Stay Focused.

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